SOPHIE is the eponymous follow-up to the visionary artist, producer and pop pioneer. The final SOPHIE album release, adding new depth and meaning to an eternally progressive canon of artistry including the artist’s groundbreaking 2018 debut album, OIL OF EVERY PEARL’S UN-INSIDES and 2015 singles compilation, PRODUCT. Created by SOPHIE and some of her most cherished collaborators, close to completion when she tragically died, it has been loving finalised by those who hold her closest. As SOPHIE’s studio manager and most trusted sounding board for over a decade, Benny Long was heavily involved in the release of Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-insides, with mastering, production, and mixing credits to his name. The two then worked together over several years developing the concept and production of this follow-up album, which Benny has lovingly completed, honouring SOPHIE’s vision.

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